Saturday, June 4, 2011

What is astral projection?

Astral projection is a phenomenon in which a person projects his or her consciousness to a location, other than the location of his or her body. For example, I might be comfortably lying on my bed in Florida while projecting my consciousness to a remote location, such as a café near the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. In astral projection, it is the subjects actual consciousness which is transported to the remote location. Astral projection, therefore, is very similar to the often misunderstood or misused terms clairvoyance, which literally means "seeing at a distance" and clairaudience which literally means "hearing at a distance."*

In fact, clairvoyance and clairaudience are far broader terms that describe remote sensing. Astral projection could, in fact, be considered a specific type of clairvoyance or clairaudience, since clairvoyance and clairaudience, by themselves, do not explain the mechanism of the phenomenon.

Astral projection is also known as out-of-body experience, remote viewing and lucid dreaming.

* Claievoyance and clairaudience are merely the two most a well knownof a family of extra sensory perception that include: Clairsentience (feeling/touching), Clairalience (smelling), Claircognizance (knowing) and Clairgustance (tasting).

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